Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Time warp

Hi. I honestly doubt that many (if any) people will read this but I've decided to keep a blog of all my crazy dreams. Most of these dreams might not make sense to you (they don't to me either) but I love telling people about them. So I've decided to put them in a blog so that I can hopefully entertain you with my crazy dream adventures. Some are short and scary and others are long and fantastical. Anyways without further ado here is my most recent dream.
I was walking through this old city (picture Venice/Florence) and down this alley was what appeared to be a fair (with those portable rides they set up) so I was interested and started towards the ally. Before I entered someone (I can't picture a face as I'm recalling this) warned me that if I was to go through the alley I would know things I wish I didn't. Well that intrigued me so I went. While walking through the alley I saw that all the rides were no longer running except for one roller coaster that ran along the alley. For some reason I felt I needed to get to the other side of the alley before the ride finished so I started running. When I got to the other side I walked out and saw myself in the past at a point in time where there was a big change in my life and I realized I could stop it so I did. There was a time warp type thing and now I was in a new future and I could see myself in a new future situation and I realized that I was no longer able to experience my own life first hand but only got to watch it as an outsider. So I went back to the alley to warn people from entering

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